Green By Design Workshop


Austin Energy Green Building™ holds its one-day Green by Design workshop four times a year. Austinites preparing to build, buy, or remodel a home can learn how to improve energy and water efficiency, increase comfort, and reduce maintenance.

Space for this workshop is limited. We strongly suggest that you register as early as possible to guarantee your seat.
To register for the next workshop, print the Registration Form (pdf), fill it out and fax to (512) 482-5441; or e-mail. Registration fee is $35 per person. Check the website for workshop dates and deadlines.

The workshop is offered at just $35 per person. It includes:

  • A full day of instruction with Austin Energy Green Building staff
  • A comprehensive workbook, Green by Design
  • Free advice from local green building professionals
  • Continental breakfast, lunch, and break refreshments
  • A chance to win cool door prizes from local green businesses

What You Will Learn
This workshop will give you an overview of the green building process. You’ll come away with a framework for making better design and building decisions, including:

  • Assessing what your family needs in a home
  • Choosing a designer and builder
  • Selecting a lot or making the most of the one you have
  • Increasing comfort and reducing utility bills
  • Making smart material and appliance choices
  • Developing a beautiful landscape that saves water, time, and money
  • Creating a home that benefits your family and the planet
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